Channel: Latest Questions by SirVictory
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Basic Character Movement

As generic as it sounds, I haven't seen an example yet demonstrating moving a character, having the character face the direction it is moving, and giving it the ability to jump without be directed to...

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Editing tags, questions, and the Bounty System [New Ua]

Will any of these things exist in this new version of Unity Answers

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OnMouseDown alternative for Mobile

As the API states, OnMouseDown doesn't work for Android/iPhone. I have a script attached to a prefab that destroys the object when clicked on. function OnMouseDown () { Destroy(gameObject); } Is there...

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Player Account Registration for Mobile Platforms and Browser

Bare with me here as I'm writing this 4 in the morning :D This is probably my biggest "Where do I start?" question, so there's the head's up. I have some experience in website development and I trying...

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Calibrating Accelerometer Values

**Original Question Solved** "Making Camera "Face Forward" despite a Phone's Orientation." *I basically want the camera to always face-up whenever a player rotates their phone. [See figure below] I'm...

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Adding an number to an new object's name automatically via editor scripting

Long title, but whatever :S My friend and I have created a small waypoint that reads the name + the number of the waypoint and adds it accordingly to an array. You have to place it according on the map...

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Implementing a Psuedo-Pedometer

Is there anyway possible to implement this using the accelerometer in most phones? I know it won't be as great compared to the use of a real pedometer, but I'm okay with it as long as it can detect the...

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Damping the rotation of a camera that is attached to an object.

I have an object that is moving and turning a lot, and I have a camera that is the child of that object. The camera is displaced a bit behind the object, and of course it automatically moves and...

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In-Air Directional Movement when Jumping

I've grown out of using the "ThirdPersonController" script for moving my character around, and decided to write my own. The movement, gravity, and rotating the character to the direction they are...

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Walljumping and Vector.Reflect

/Free Cake for anyone who can solve this/ I'm trying to write a Walljumping function using Vector.Reflect, and I managed to getting to work somewhat, but the reflection only works when the character is...

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Cooldown Function Problem

I have to separate functions that exist to set variables back to their defaults: a "busy" variable, and a combo counter. The busy variable of course is set to true when my character attacks. It...

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Scroll List Problem

I want to create an item menu controllable by arrow keys, much so like the one in most Final Fantasy Games and various other JRPGs. So I chose to use a selection grid. ![alt text][1] Now, this is...

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Game and Level State Logic

I'm trying to find the best way to implement a general script that will temporarily store variables from the player, inventory, level specific scripts (possibly), etc. Currently, I have a script that...

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Trying to make a Floating Enemy follow player

I'm trying to implement an object that will follow behind my player AND rise and fall as my character jumps and land, drops in descent, etc. The AI is currently using a character controller as collider...

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Accelerating and Decelerating a Characters's speed

I'm looking to have a character accelerated when moving forward, decelerate when movement keys aren't pressed (keyboard/joystick), and slide when on certain surfaces. I have managed to accelerate the...

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Creating a Branching Combo System using a FSM

I have traditionally wrote combos for battle systems using a series of compound if-statements and switch cases, but that tends to build up and become a mess at times. As of my most recent...

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Box Trigger and Mesh Collider on one object.

Hello, I'm creating a vanishing platform and I have my code working, but to be honest, I'm not sure how I'm getting the result I'm getting based off the code I wrote. To elaborate, I have attached a...

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RotateAround and Character Controller

I'm trying to create a circling behavior for my AI that uses a character controller. I've created a Seeking and Fleeing behavior that involves modifying the agent's forward direction, storing it, and...

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Health Bar in Custom Editor/Inspector

I've been learning Editor scripting for the last few hours and kinda have the hang of it. Right now, I'm trying to make healthbar using a [ProgressBar][1]. I have a health and max health variable is...

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Exposing Enums in Custom Inspector

I'm writing a custom inspector, and I'm trying to display enums the way Unity does naturally (displaying them and of course, changing them). After playing around with it my self, I managed to display...

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Assign a GameObject to one from a List

It seems easy enough, but I might be over-complicating things... (again). Basically, I'm trying to make a function that will replace a GameObject with one that is either next or previous in a list of...

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Problems with raycast obstacle avoidance

I'm working on a raycast driven obstacle avoidance that will steer characters away from obstructions, but I'm having problems with making the character completely steer away from obstructions. ![alt...

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Raycast Steering Problem

I'm working on a raycast driven obstacle avoidance that will steer characters away from obstructions, but I'm having problems with making the character completely steer away from obstructions. ![alt...

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Quaternion.Lerp problem [Excluding an Axis]

I have a waypoint driven camera system. The camera detects the closest waypoint, and copies the rotation gradually. I'm trying to revise it so that it no longer rolls (movement on z-axis I believe) the...

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Using AddComponent to add a Sub Class using a String

I'm trying to temporarily add a component that is a sub class in order to load certain variables. var equipTex = GetEquipment("Gloves"); Gloves inherits from a type "Equipment". public string...

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Comparing value of multiple ints and returning the largest.

I'm going to have a series many integers, and after a while, I want to get all their values, and return the largest int in the series, then perform an action based on the actual variable returned (not...

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Render particles on top of all objects.

I'm trying to emit particles that are using a the Particles/Additive(Soft) shader on mobile to emit in front of all other object.

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Circle strafing/Z-Targeting

This was something that I always wanted to do but could never manage to emulate. ![alt text][1] Pretty much from what I can see, the character's movement vector is modified to orbit around the target,...

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Getting a Character to Circle around Another Character

Well, they say pictures are worth a thousand words, but I'll try to summarize what I'm trying to do if the picture attached is confusing. Basically, I'm trying to get a foe, for example, to move...

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Aligning cards in a Playing Card Hand

I'm having trouble trying to align a series of cards in a player's hand for a card game. Basically, I'm trying to make it where all the cards in an array are aligned between two nodes, and as...

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